Each of us is either king or queen of our own “I Empire” or “I’mpire” which members include the “I”, “Me”, “My” and the “Mine”. This is a small kingdom. Many call it family. But they do not know that each family has become a Kingdom of Self-love which is hostile to the Love of God and the Love of Neighbor. They reject and hate these two kinds of love. To them, there is no other love but LOVE OF SELF. This is the true philosophy and attitude that is reigning over every family here in the nation and the entire earth, with very few exceptions who let Divine Love (or the love of God and love of neighbor) co-reign with Self-love.
At best, they used these two loves as the means to SELF-LOVE – to attain their selfish ambition, goals and interests.
When shall we learn that in order to become Christ’s true disciples, we need to advance farther and beyond SELFLOVE? When shall we come to understand that unless we take the next steps of loving God above all and our neighbor, we have not fulfilled the law of God, and that we have not worn the badge of true Christianity? That unless we fulfill these two loves, we remain pagans whose main pursuits and pre-occupation are these material things, which their BLIND LOVE OF THE SELF demands?
When shall we come to understand that this kind of SELFLOVE is a farce? When shall Filipinos come to realize that this kind of isolated selflove is not the correct kind of self-love because this will provoke the all-powerful God, stop His blessings, let curses fall upon us, and will offend others who will be forced respond with hostility and hate?
When shall we come to realize that we are in the state which Paul foreseen, namely: “biting one another, devouring one another, and destroying one another”?[1]
When shall we come to wake to the truth that this civil war or self-destruction is caused by our refusal to “serve one another in love”[2] as Paul and the other apostles and above all, our Lord had exhorted us?
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