Wednesday, April 25, 2007



Unknown to many, our patriarch Cain repented, but not until after he had suffered so much for his sin against our uncle Abel.

“And behold, Cain wept and departed with his wife and four children, two sons and two daughters, and after forty days came to the shores of the sea. Seeing the great expanse of water he became frightened and thought in all earnest that he had come to the end of the world. "If Enoch now followed me, whither could I flee?" he thought.

"Before me is the end of the world and left and fight are high mountains where I am forbidden to go, and the Lord's gracious eye and ear are closed to me. Besides, I see here all kinds of strange and unblessed fruits; who would dare eat them? And the provisions we brought with us have now been consumed. Whatever shall I now do?

"I will once more attempt to cry mightily to the Lord. Either He will hear me or let us perish. Then we will at least finally fare according to His will which in our great blindness we have certainly not recognized during all this long time."

“And behold, after a period of seventy-seven years Cain again began to pray to Me. He prayed for three days unceasingly day and night, crying all the time: "Lord, You just and loving God, look graciously down upon Your greatest sinner and do to me according to Your holy will!" These words he kept repeating many thousands of times.

“Since he was crying so mightily and miserably I took pity on him and sent Abel to him in a flame of fire who spake the following words to him as if coming from Me: ‘Cain, rise from the ground and look at me and then tell me whether you still recognize me!’

“Then Cain rose full of fear and looked at the flame, but did not recognize it, neither the voice nor the form and shaking with fear asked: "Who are you strange being in this flame?"[1]

Now through the angel Abel, brother of Cain, God the Father has a special statement He told our patriarch Cain, for our humble (humbled) Negroid (black and the brownish) race:

And Abel answered: "It is I, your brother Abel, in the flame of divine love before you. What do you wish to be done to you?" -"O brother," said Cain, "if it is you, behold I have no longer any will. My son Enoch has taken everything from me, also my will. Now I no longer have a will and, look, all of us here are now entirely without a will. Therefore, I can only say: Let it be done to me and us all according to the holy will of the Lord!"

This is very significant. Try to imagine the woman who has just suffered the greatest of all tragedies of life, for example, having you and your whole family (husband and ten children) falling into the river with the bus you are riding, and having your three smallest ones died – imagine the loss of all strengths due to unimaginable sorrow that mother feels – or try to imagine a husband who has just lost his most beloved wife – picture the loss of the will to live – the sorrow which would cause other men to drown themselves in wine until they waste away – this somehow give you a hint on what it means for father Cain to have ‘lost his will’. It resulted from his suffering resulting from the maltreatment that his own son, Enoch, bestowed on him.

Enoch he made the king of his people. But as soon as Enoch became the king, Enoch ordered that father Cain and his mother as well as his young brothers and sisters should not eat unless they would work as slaves like the others! So severe was Enoch to them, and so unmerciful was his treatment of all the rest, who were also his brothers and sisters, cousins and nieces and nephew or kin, that it broke the heart of the father of them all, the patriarch Cain. The stone heart of Cain that made him kill Abel was thus melted and subjected to pain he never expected.

Then Abel said: "So listen! It is the will of the Lord, my Father and your God, that you eat of all the fruits you find here without fear. For the serpent has driven you to this place and has stayed at home with your children in the city of Enoch with all its venom and will have no more dealings with you. Once a person has relinquished his will [surrendered to the Lord and says, Let you will be done unto me. Kayo ang bahala sa akin, Lord.], there is no more to do for the evil brood, but he who has subjected his will to the serpent is its captive and the end of his free actions has come.

"But to him who has escaped from its powerful fangs and thus has saved the last spark of his will and laid it down upon the earth before Jehovah, He will give a new will out of Himself that in the future he may work as His tool. [NOTE THAT VERY IMPORTANT STATEMENT VERY WELL!] Thus, it is the Lord's will for you too that in the future you act in accordance with His will. If ever the descendants of Enoch should find you and your people, they would not recognize you, for the love of the Lord will burn you permanently black.” [THUS, BLACK SKIN!]

"The name of 'Cain' will be taken from you and you will be given another name, which is 'Ethiope', meaning 'the one without a will after the will of God.'

We, Negroid (also the derivative brownish people) are no longer descendant of the sinner wicked Cain, but the converted Ethiope!

“Now you and your people must make a very large basket out of rattan and reed which must be seven man-heights long, three wide and one high, very strong and stopped with resin and pitch. Having completed this with great diligence, you must place it near the great waters and for forty days gather fruits, put them in the basket and, finally, get all in.

"Then the Lord will send a great tide from the large waters. This will lift the basket with you in it and carry you to a distant land in the middle of these great waters where you will be completely safe from the persecution of Enoch.

"In these great waters you will see small islands [IN THE PACIFIC] all around you, and when there have become too many of you on one island, proceed to the next one, and so on. Thus you shall gradually, in accordance with the Lord's will, populate all the islands in the great expanse of water.” [PACIFIC ISLES and THE SO-CALLED THE OCEANA, composed of Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Borneo, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Micronesia, Marshall Island, Vanuatu, Tonga, Kiribati, Cook Island, New Zealand, Hawaii, French Polynesia].

"And if you will not forget the Lord, He will some day give you a large continent [AFRICA!] to inhabit where you will remain until the end of the world. But this will first have to be cleansed from the curse by floods [DURING NOAH’S TIME] which will rush down upon it choking and killing the descendants of Enoch and also many children of God who will allow themselves to be enticed by the beautiful daughters of Enoch.

"However, you who have no will of your own shall not be touched by the torrents of these floods because the will of the Lord has set you upon the waters of His great mercies. - And if there is anything you should need, you know anyway where to find the great Giver Who will not forsake you if you will not forsake Him within your hearts.

"And now come closer, Cain." And behold, Cain stepped up to his flaming brother and Abel embraced him and he became jet-black and his hair became curly like fur. And this was done to the other five, too.

Then Abel said: "Now, brother Ethiope, you are free from any guilt, which has remained at home with Enoch, and so act in accordance with the will of the Lord! Amen."[2]


And behold, Abel disappeared and Ethiope ate of the fruits, entirely happy for the first time in his life. And he did exactly as commanded.

2. Thus the last branch of his line has right to the present time populated all the islands and, following the great destruction of the serpent's brood by the floods from the heavens, also the large continents which you today call 'Africa', 'America' and 'Australia'. His line was not extinguished in the floods and is still the same in this last era as a testimony to the atrocities committed in the past and present time by My children and those of Enoch.

Remarks: “As a testimony [e.g., recipients] to the atrocities committed in the past and present time by My children and those of Enoch” refers to slavery of the Negroes and Negritos by the White race and Arabs.

3. And so this Ethiope is still today living naturally and spiritually as a constant observer of your actions, hidden on an island in the middle of the great waters, which no mortal will ever discover.

Remarks: Get that? Cain is still alive today! And so, he is now 6,000 years old!

What you are reading is God’s own narration – his own dictation to an Austrian Jew in the 1840s to 1860s!

4. And he ate and drank of all kinds of fruits and begat still 700 children during a thousand years. Thereafter he was renewed by Me and ate and drank no longer because he became filled forever with My love, which is the best food. For whoever is filled with that will not ever see, taste and experience death, and he will never hunger for food and thirst for a drink. His death will be a living departure from life to life into the life of the life of the living through the Living Who is I Myself.


5. Thus Ethiope is still living physically as the first son of man in the wide face of the earth, able to watch the actions of all men and is, therefore, an ancient witness of all My deeds fight to the present time.

6. He knew Noah, Abraham, Moses, all the prophets and Melchizedek, the high priest.

7. He witnessed My birth and My new creation through the greatest of all My works, the work of salvation. And so he will remain until My Holy City has fully descended, which is now beginning to happen. Then he will be fully received there as a faithful gatekeeper for, except Me, nobody has such a thorough knowledge of the serpent as he has who has suffered through it so much.


8. This is the history of Cain, made known to you that you may ponder on yourselves and more easily and sooner recognize the roots of evil within you [REMARK: THE SERPENT MEANS SELF-LOVE WHICH BECOME EVIL, PROUD, LUSTFUL AND PERVERTED] and destroy them completely so that you may then in My love find again the long lost Paradise and at last become true, faithful citizens of My new, great and holy City, just as I am your truest, holiest and best Father from all Eternities of eternities. Amen.

QUESTION: What is the antidote of perverted Self-love (with its pride, selfishness, lust, greed)?


[1] Household of God I/24:1-6

[2] Household of God I/23:7-16

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