When shall we come to grasp that in the absence of love, hate and indifference is present. That it cannot be left in vacuum?
So, we must actively fill the space of our heart and the whole world with love, then, there will be left no space to accommodate apathy, pride, hate, hostility, mercilessness, cruelty.
LET US FILL OUR HEART WITH LOVE, AND IT SHALL BECOME EMPTY OF HATE! Let the water of mercy fill the glass half-filled with air, and the air [of arrogance] will dissipate.
Then this nation shall at last become great – but a different kind of greatness. It shall be a greatness founded in deep humility. It shall be greatness based upon the acknowledgement of God the Father’s reign over us. It shall not be greatness based on our strengths without acknowledging that such all strengths come from God, therefore, all praise, glory and honor solely belongs to Him. To us shall be enough to receive the thanks and the love of our fellowmen, who became beneficiaries of the services of love the God made possible for us to render to them.
It shall be greatness based on three foundations each properly measured and apportioned: love of God, love of neighbor and [proper] love of self.
In talents, we shall be great. These shall give us great wealth. But such talents-produced greatness and wealth shall not be used to serve Self alone; for above all, most of our greatness and wealth shall be used to ‘love Jehovah our God above all and our neighbor.”
And when this is done, Self will enjoy its greatest joy and satisfaction which cannot be found anywhere else!
That is the correct kind of Self-love. Proper self-love is loving God the Father above all and our neighbor as ourselves. This is the only correct form or means of selflove because in this way only do we please the Father who will be urged to be merciful, kind and generous in His blessings to us, and our fellowmen too will love us, because we love them.
But our love for Him and our fellowmen should be genuine, not based on future gain or profit. To love them because we expect something good for them is selfish. This is bad because when such expectation is frustrated or delayed, as sometimes God will allow that such as to test the strength of our love, we’d become sour towards Him and our fellowmen.
Yes, we admit we expect always good from them. But not in the form of material rewards or gain. That future good shall be mainly seen as their friendship and love without depending on their material capacity, but solely in their heart and soul. The gain that we should not fail to expect and pray is this kind. But even then, if one fellowman or even our wife or husband shall repay our faithfulness with their unfaithfulness, our love for them should not wane, but goes beyond the pain and should dare to hope that someday perhaps in this life but surely in the beyond, she or he will return to love us again.
This is not human love. Carnal love is not capable of doing this. It is divine love, possible only with Jesus.
Our love should not be too-dependent on what we can get or gain in the future; instead, our love should be based and be motivated on WHAT WE CAN GIVE OR DO EVEN TO THE ONE WHO BETRAYED US. For example: forgiveness. Forgiveness is a sweet gift we can give. It is one of the sweetest gift we can give to our fellowmen. It assuages so much pain. It gives the heart suffering from guilt so much healing. Forgiveness is a healing balm. All of those who had offended and hurt you – will never be at peace in their guilt, bearing the wounded emptiness in their hearts as a result. It pierces like a knife. Only your forgiveness will heal and remove the scar; so that without scar and completely healed, there is no tendency for the same pain to recur or relapse, unless new wound is done.
Someday, in some dot in the span of eternity that person, who had hurt you, will come to you to ask for your forgiveness. No, not today’s superficial kind of apology that does not heal, because it is still impure with some form of pride. But the genuine heart-felt one! For this is the only one – this sincere humble request for forgiveness – is the only one that will also trigger genuine forgiveness that, not for our sake, but for his genuine healing. We can forgive him in advance, even long before he’d admit his sin and come to us. Yes, that we should do as soon as possible, even without his knowledge. But our offender will not heal in his own self-inflicted wound (called guilt) unless he comes to the one against whom he has offended and ask for sincere apology! That one might have forgiven him long time ago, but his own pride and refusal to humble himself before him would remain a heavy burden on his own shoulder, unless he repent and ask forgiveness from the one he had offended and then also from God Whom he also had hurt when he hurt his fellowman who is the Father’s child. To these two individuals (God and fellowman), he must apologize and repent, that is, resolve never to commit again the offense.
This is the right path. Take it.
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