Returning to our discussion about this much oppressed and much abused black and brownish race. Note: Much more discussions and testimonies will follow about the sufferings of this race in the land of America and in the hands of the Arabs (as Filipino OFWs, domestic helpers, or slaves)
As many can attest, their lack of superiority complex is impressive. They always hold a foreigner in high esteem.
Our race, especially the pure of us, e.g., those still jet-black and curly haired, who are not yet corrupted by the pride of power (who wants to rule) or the lust of material wealth and fame, which diseases the Spaniards and the Americans had brought to us, by way of their tempting example or way of life and by their business, is quite a simple, meek race.
But we were corrupted by their liquors and their opium, their drugs and their gambling. Alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and gambling corrupted us. In Africa, our fellow Negroid brothers were being pitted against each other to kill each by the aid of the opium and liquor and guns that the foreigner brought them.
When Nong Aaron, an African slave in America, managed to escape slavery, this is his eye-opening narration in his book The Light and Truth of Slavery:
“When Aaron was in Athol, I fell into a house where there were several in the house, and among them was a sea captain about 70 years old. He had been dealing on the African coast, I had a long talk with him, and he told me the blacks were better off in the United States with their masters than they were in Africa. Says he, when the King's daughter dies, they will slay two or three hundred to honor the King. Aaron says it is a willful and malicious lie. The bible says, "no drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of God." Also, "cursed is he that puts the cup to his brother's lip." Also, "no murderer shall inherit eternal life." "Cursed is he that imbues his hands in his brother's blood." They carry liquor into Africa, and that ain't bad enough, so they carry guns and powder there, also shot and balls, and the sword, make them drunk and then compel them to fight. Whichever tribe conquers will bring to the whites those whom they conquer, and they will buy them by giving in exchange ribbons, beads, red shirts, and one foolish thing and another. Aaron asked the above named captain, who he is afraid is going down to hell with a bundle of sin on his back, if he didn't think God would bless the nation ten-fold, if they would carry bibles and hymn books there, and send missionaries and teach them that there is a holy God above. Aaron thinks that God would bless Africa ten-fold, and England and America would be blessed ten-fold too. Some says, "Where is the nation that has been treated as bad as the poor Africans? Who inhabits the south part of Africa?
Something like two hundred miles of Africa is inhabited by the white men. The natives are cut off and driven back. And what ain't driven off are stolen away, and brought here to America and the West India Islands. Their children are scattered among the white folks and held in bonds. It's true the Indians are cut off from their country and driven back, but they ain't catched and made slaves of, and the women taken away from them and forced by white men, the way the poor Africans is.”
Nothing could surpass the sufferings of the Black Race.
And during their sufferings, their faith and patience as well as humility were remarkably great!
The ambition to rule or to live a life of materialism and luxury had cause us to short-change our fellowmen so that this led to some quarrels and civil war. This sickness also the foreigner brought to us.
The foreigners’ tactic is to cause us what the apostle Paul said “to bite one another, to devour one another to ultimately destroy each other” (Galatians 5:13-15).
Let us not allow ourselves to destroy our divine quality of mehumer (meekness, humility and mercy). In this way, we have fulfilled the Father’s will “be blameless (gentle) as a dove.”
But based on our own experience, proud and arrogant foreigners take mehumer as a weakness and so, instead of respecting us, they exploit and oppress us. But to teach the proud nations like Germany and Japan a lesson, they had to go through a severe humiliation during the first and second world wars, you see, it required two great wars to destroy the pride of these nations, and one great war (WW I) to humble Italy and to let them espouse humility and reject pride.
True to God’s purpose, the Japanese and the Germans took the path of humility. And they rose again to greatness. Because “the humble shall be lifted up, but the proud shall be abased”[1] is the law of the Universe. This law spared and spares and will spare no one. Not even Lucifer!
The black people all throughout the world, such as the Negroes in America, Australia, Africa and the negritoes in the mountains of the Philippine and other Pacific isles, and their derivatives, the brown race in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Hawaii, Borneo, etc. – all of them descended from Cain, as his last line. As can be recalled, Cain in his fateful encounter with his murdered brother, Abel, who was at that time made already an angel, was turned jet-black when he was embraced by Abel, and his hair made curly.
The great misery that Cain suffered as a result of his sins, made him very weak and will-less – powerless. He became totally devoid of pride. He humbled himself before God and God forgave him.
Similar thing happens to every sinner. Even if a particular sinner is the great in this world in terms of intelligence, wealth, fame, self-love and in willpower, so that he could move mountains, that is, accomplish very great things, all these greatness (intelligence, possessions of pride, great wealth, etc.) would at one time suddenly become like trash.
The proud nations in this world will have much to suffer before they could reach this stage. But we, who are the sons of the first murderer, are taking our advantage for granted. We are despising meekness and throwing it and espousing the pride of the eyes, the pride of life, the pride of position and fame, which the apostle John condemned and earnestly forewarned us.
Let us preserve the great quality of “mehumer”. And even increase and nurture it and make it perfect. This is the trait which Christ encouraged all to develop when He urged everyone, “Come to Me, all of you who are tired and are heavily-laden. Learn of Me – that is, My humility and Gentleness. If you have these traits, then, you will throw your yoke (human laws) and burden (hate, fear, worry, revenge) upon Me, and instead you will carry My yoke (that is, obey His gentle law of love and its commandments) which is easy and My burden (sacrifices of a Christian) which is light. Come to Me, and do so, and I will give you rest.”
Those who have tried harboring hate and revenge for years and those who carried the load of worry and fear can attest how heavy these loads are! And those whose loads, yoke and burden Christ carried, they experience the rare peace and the pure joy from Christ. How nice is to be gotten rid of the heavy burden of hate, fear, worry and revenge! How wonderful is to receive the gift of peace! How restful is it to be freed from troubles!
That is what Jesus meant “And I will give you rest”!
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