Like the government, the Church has become the hawk in the following story by the Lord:
“Do not follow the evil inhabitants in hell who serve out of selfishness, for everyone there expects to be served.
“They are like the story of the turtle and the hawk. The hawk first eagerly helps the turtle out of its mud-hole in the meadow, only to be grabbed by the hawk in its neck during its search for herbs, carried aloft and smashed into a rock.
“Why did the hawk do that? So that she can enjoy the turtle’s flesh as a reward for its previous eagerness to help. My, children, do not do that!
“Service should be given in love and with true brotherly feeling, as is customary in the heavens.” [1]
She uses friendliness as a bait and a trap! In one place, the Lord referred to foreign missionaries “adopting their converts like their children”. For what purpose? Their friendliness – their “filial love” -- did not come without ulterior motive!
Let us continue to hear what the Lord spoke against the unfaithful church: “And the one who does not serve Me out of love is a stranger to Me in his service as I must be a stranger to him since he does not serve Me out of love. With him My account is already closed.
“And how can he be a faithful servant who sells his master’s treasures illicitly like a thief at shameful prices? – Judas Iscariot sold Me at least for 30 pieces of silver not knowing in advance what would happen to Me; for he was deluded and became lost.
“But now – as already tortured, slain and risen from the dead, I am available every minute for a mere song. Oh, shameful thieves, you murderers, what can I compare you to? You children of the dragon, you brood of vipers! Are you serving Me like this, must I find you such?
“I had My dear Paul tell you that he who serves the altar shall also live of the altar, but only from the works of love which works all that is good. But you have no works of love, and are therefore, robbers and thieves and murderers of the Gospel and all truth. Know then: As the work, so the reward!
“Love cannot be had for money, but only for love. I am the very love and can never be won for any other price but love. I have redeemed all of you with love and, therefore, demand again love from you.
“So, whoever wishes to come to Me, let him come in the love that bled for him on the cross.”[2]
God’s seers foresaw the coming of commercial churches and one of them lamented: “Yea, it shall come to pass in a day when churches established will say: Come unto me and for your money you will be forgiven of your sins.”[3]
Rizal would refer to that as the selling of indulgences.
God says the service that He is after of is that of “love which works all that is good.” Is the foreclosure of a faithful’s farm, land and house a “love which works all that is good”?
Is a member’s getting the more enslaved by vice which the Spaniards brought to the Philippines a “love which works all that is good”?
Is Cardinal Sin’s accepting ‘donations’ from the drug and gambling lords so that the church would at least stay neutral, keep quiet and would not do something that would expose them to the unknowing and unsuspecting people and endanger their lucrative vice business – is this an act of “love which works all that is good”?
In allowing the gambling lords actively tempt the people with the promise of big wins while the priests withdraw to some quiet place, wanting to do nothing with it, and allow the gambling lords devour everything that belongs to the poor gambler: little income, peace, precious time, property, health, wife, children and salvation – all precious things that gambler lost – is it an act of “love which works all that is good”?
In not forewarning the flocks about the real motive of the gambling lord and the drug lord, is the Church doing an act of “love which works all that is good”?
It is not hidden even from the simple-minded that gambling is one root cause of the increasing poverty of the people and the cause also of many political squabbles including the fall of President Erap, are we to say that the church’s allowing the gambling lords to go freely and capture the people an “love which works all that is good”?
How many crimes that the church has committed that she has hidden from the people’s view?
Besides being connivance with the evil vice lords, the church is also manned with sexual immorals! Both homosexuals and adulterers fill the church’s priesthood! My uncle who then 5 years old, fell victim to one of them. He was raped a number of times. My young uncle’s mind could not accept the crime; he became insane and spent 16 years of his youth’s years in the mental hospital. One error of a man of God, meant a whole life being wasted!
I heard that the Church’s punishment for priest committing this sin is just to transfer him to another parish! And there to continue this evil deed?
I heard Jesus saying, “Do not follow their deeds.
“But if you hear the church preach or quote God’s word, then, follow her, that is, what she says. But as to what she does (or her priests do) such as drunkenness, adultery, homosexuality, sexual immorality as well as corruption among the priests who receive bribes from gambling lords, drug lords and other vices lords (who gave substantial amount to our priests with one simple condition: that the priests will keep quiet or not oppose their sinful activities or crimes and will talk in the pulpit about anything else save their evildoings nor will they take any action that will endanger their illegal and immoral activities and businesses) – these my brothers, do not follow!”
* * *
We have a short time in this life – whether as individuals or as a nation. If our age and own sickness shall not overtake us, then, the world events predicted long time ago, shall overrun us and destroy us!
And so, it behooves us to direct our mehumer to Christ. Again, how? By now zealously obeying His law over and above other laws made by the church and the government. His law is known to us: “You shall love Jehovah, the eternal Father, your God above all and your neighbor as yourself.” If you make the commitment, then, more wisdom will come upon you so that more and more you will comprehend how the law would be practiced. And above all, you will begin to notice the blessings of peace and joy to flow upon you. Yes, this will mean being freed from all kinds of enslavements, be it economic to debts, or physical enslavement to some sicknesses, or mental enslavement to some fear, doubt, worry, or lust or vice, etc. – Jesus Christ is your Savior from all of these evil forces who were your masters and oppressors!
Do not mistake Christ for the church. By the word “church” I mostly refer to the leaders – the priests. Do not mistake Christ for His professing servants. Christ and priest are two different spellings. Remember that the Temple (Church) of Jerusalem persecuted and killed Christ. That is too much a thing to accuse a church of. But it is true. It was the Church of the Jews with its priests that orchestrated the crucifixion of our Lord. Many end-time servants will even claim they are christs!
So, do not always think that if you are obeying your priest or minister, you are automatically obeying Christ.
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